Nursery to Rising 4s
Our students in Nursery to Rising 4s will be introduced to the Frogstreet Curriculum, which focuses on five (5) learning domains: language development, cognitive development, physical development, social emotional development, and approaches toward learning which resides in and throughout the other domains. Lessons focus on enhancing the simple joy of childhood while equipping teachers to nurture curiosity through exploration.
Rising 5
In order to prepare our Rising 5s for Grade 1, our students follow the Calvert Curriculum along with the dynamic Jolly Phonics. Jolly Phonics is a fun, child-centred approach to teaching literacy through synthetic phonics. Using a multi-sensory approach, students learn through songs, stories, action, and art.
Richly textured learning experiences make up the fabric of our curriculum. Through carefully constructed, child-centred experiences, we inspire curiosity, wonder, and a life-long love of learning.