Admissions Process
The Meridian School is an inclusive, diverse school with students of all different abilities,races, religions, and nationalities. We take care in reviewing your child’s application and supporting documents to determine proper placement and meeting with you and your child to ensure that the school is a good fit for him or her.
Students entering our Nursery and Kindergarten programme are not required to sit an exam but are enrolled on a first come, first serve basis. Class sizes are no more than 20 students. Students can be placed on a waiting list and notified by administration shoulda seat become available. Applicants for Grades 1-6 are required to sit an entrance examination, payment of the testing fee of $50.00, and upon the application form, supporting documents, along with passing results on the entrance examination, the applicant will be accepted. Additionally, admission and placement decisions may be based on the student's age.
Nursery/Rising 2s - Two years by September
Rising 3s - Three years by September
Rising 4s - Four years by September
Rising 5s - Five years by September
The school reserves the right to require additional supplementary measures at parental expense if deemed necessary, to ensure the success of all students (including but not limited to the student spending a half or full day at the school to be observed and interact with their peers).
Acceptance is not final until the entire application process, supporting documents, testing, payment of testing fee, and interview with the Principal, is completed. Once acceptance with offer to enroll, conditional acceptance, or acceptance with offer to be placed on the waiting list, an acceptance letter and information packet will be given to the parent welcoming you to our Meridian Family!

Enrollment requirements for all applicants
1. Copy of Birth Certificate or Passport
2. One Copy of Passport Photo
3. Copy of Updated Immunization Record
4. Copy of NIB Card
5. Last Term’s Report Card (Students enrolling in Grades 1-3)
6. Official Transcript (Students enrolling in Grades 3-6)
7. Application and Medical Forms completed
8. Enrollment fee of $500 (non-refundable)
School Supplies: Preschool (Nursery - Rising 5s)
● Sleeping mat (Nursery - Rising 4s)
● Pull-ups (Nursery)
● Wipes
● Backpack/ Carry bag
● Change of uniform/socks-packed in a Ziploc bag (Nursery-Rising 4s)
● Lunch box
● Water bottle (A minimum of 2 bottles)
● Sunscreen
● Sun hat
● Hand Sanitizer
School Supplies: Grades 1 - 6
● Pencil case
● A good supply of #2 pencils
● Covered pencil sharpener
● Erasers
● 12 inch ruler
● Student scissors
● Several glue sticks & school glue
● Highlighters & pens (Grades 4, 5 & 6)
● Old shirt for Art (REQUIRED! To remain at school.)
● Geometry set (Grades 4, 5 & 6)
● Markers, crayons, pencil crayons
● 2" 3-Ring Binder (Grades 4, 5 & 6)
● Several folders (3-Ring with pockets) (Grades 4, 5 & 6)
● Student school dictionary
● Personal Hand Sanitizer
● Box of Kleenex tissues
● Box of wipes
● iPad, Apple Pencil, case with keyboard, chargers
● Headphones (REQUIRED! To remain at school)